Home Education Lovington schools adopt DACA resolution

Lovington schools adopt DACA resolution

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The following is the DACA resolution that supports undocumented students and teachers, passed by the Lovington School Board during Tuesday night’s school board meeting.

For more on this story read Thursday’s Hobbs News-Sun.

WHEREAS, Lovington Municipal School Board values our community’s ethnic, racial, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity, and believing that our diversity is a source of our District’s strength, and that the Lovington Municipal School Board is committed to ensuring all of our students and employees can live and pursue their education and livelihoods in peace and prosperity; and

WHEREAS, nearly 800,000 young people who came to the United States as children have come forward, been screened and approved for the program, passed background checks, and received permission to live and work in America with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), many have advanced their education, started small businesses, and includes students in the Lovington Municipal School District, or work in our community; and

WHEREAS, the announced repeal of DACA and “winding down” of the program announced by the U.S. Attorney General and the Department of Justice announced six-month delay in deportations, DACA recipients, members of our community who enrolled and self-identified are now in turmoil and fear; and

WHEREAS, the LMSD and its governing board is dedicated to providing quality education accessible to all students and lifelong learners to advance our community, our country and our world. In that regard, it has been our vision to inspire every student to think, learn, achieve and serve. It is important that Lovington’s students and employees know that each is a welcomed and valued member of the LMSD.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Lovington Municipal School Board stands by all of our students, and supports the continuation of educating all students to the completion of their educational ambitions including those protected by DACA, and;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Lovington Municipal School Board will urge our New Mexico Congressional Delegation to deliver an expedient legislative solution that provides all DACA recipients with certainty in fulfilling all of their potential. The LMSD Board and Administration will provide all of the support possible to all students as permitted by law. The LMSD is committed to maintaining community stakeholder engagement around implementation of policies that preserve and protect our diverse and inclusive community ensuring opportunities for all.

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