Mom drives drunk with infant
Virginia Cunningham/News-Sun
A woman who was reported to be “driving erratically,” crashed into a curb, and was discovered to be drunk and driving with her infant in the backseat, an Lea County Sheriff’s Office report stated.
Desiree Ortega, 30, of Hobbs, was arrested Sep. 5 and charged with abuse of a child, a third-degree felony, two counts battery on a peace officer, both fourth-degree felonies, aggravated DWI, three counts resisting/evading/obstructing an officer, reckless driving, open container, driving on roadways lane for traffic and detox, all misdemeanors.
Ortega was reported by another motorist after Ortega came close to hitting their car.

Hobbs Police officers responded to the scene and realized the car Ortega was driving belongs to an HPD detective. HPD officers then requested assistance from Lea County Sheriff’s Office, stating they had a conflict of interest, according to the LCSO report.
LCSO deputies arrived at the scene on the 600 block of S. Grimes Street, where they saw the black SUV on top of a curb, facing a residence, the report stated.
An HPD officer on scene told deputies he saw Ortega drive into a curb, then witnessed HPD Sergeant Ahmaad White pull up beside Ortega in another vehicle. Ortega then drove off again heading south-west until she hit another curb “really hard”, according to the LCSO report.
The LCSO deputy reviewed video footage from Eagle Eyes, showing White exiting of his vehicle and approaching the SUV Ortega was driving. White is then seen on video opening the back door of the SUV and removing a child from the SUV Ortega was driving, according to the LCSO report.
The HPD officer on scene told deputies he approached Ortega to get her out of the vehicle because her vehicle was still running and people were inside the residence her car was aimed at.
The HPD officer told deputies he could smell alcohol coming from the car and Ortega, according to the report.
According to the LCSO report, Ortega was instructed to get out of the car by the HPD officer, but said “no.” The HPD officer also reported Ortega “tussled” and scratched him, digging her nails into him, the LCSO report stated.
Another HPD officer told deputies he assisted in getting Ortega cuffed and she resisted during the process.
Deputies spoke with Ortega, who had been placed in the back seat of an HPD patrol car, and stated they could also smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from Ortega, according to the report.
Ortega was asked to take a field sobriety test and Ortega allegedly said “no” to the deputy, the LCSO report stated.
Ortega also refused to talk to the deputy and refused treatment from EMS workers even though she complained of pain, according to the LCSO report.
Deputies helped Ortega out of the backseat of the police car and escorted her to the deputy’s vehicle. The deputy stated Ortega had blood shot watery eyes, was stumbling and unable to stand on her own.
On teh way to the LCSO vehicle, Ortega stopped walking and said “no,” the report stated.
Deputies then forced Ortega to continue walking toward the deputy’s vehicle, with one deputy holding one of Ortega’s arms and another deputy the other arm. Ortega became “irate” and started saying rude, vulgar and sexual words to the deputies, according to the LCSO report.
Deputies asked Ortega multiple times to get into the deputy’s vehicle, but Ortega kept telling the deputies “no,” and stiffened her body so she could not be put inside the vehicle, the LCSO report stated.
Ortega also continued to resist and lunged at one deputy while continuing to verbally assault the deputies, according to the LCSO report.
A third deputy approached and told Ortega she would have additional charges added if she did not listen, but Ortega continued to resist, the LCSO report stated.
When the deputy again tried to place Ortega into the backseat of the vehicle, Ortega began yelling curses and kicking the deputy, the report stated. Another deputy stepped in and was able to get Ortega in to the back of the vehicle, according to the LCSO report.
White, being the owner of the SUV Ortega was driving, gave consent to the deputies to search the vehicle.
Deputies found three full 100 ml bottles of “99” brand alcohol in the passenger seat unopened. They also located a fourth bottle of the same brand with only a small amount of liquid inside it, the LCSO report stated.
Ortega was transported to the Lea County Sheriff’s Office in Lovington and Ortega refused to exit the deputy’s vehicle, saying she wanted to go home, the LCSO report stated.
Deputies asked her again if she would be willing to do a breathalyzer test.
Ortega again refused.
Another deputy asked again and she consented to the test. Ortega registered a 0.36 at approximately 8:43 p.m., the LCSO report stated.
Ortega was told she was going to jail, and Ortega said “no” multiple times to the deputies, the report stated.
While deputies tried to get Ortega back into the vehicle for transport to Lea County Detention Center, Ortega resisted, slumping down and refusing to put her legs in. Another deputy went to the other side of vehicle, reached across the seat and helped assist Ortega into the vehicle, according to the LCSO report.
Children Youth and Families was contacted and CYFD workers released the infant to Ortega’s mother.