Taylor Memorial Baptist Church will ring down the curtain and strike the set after it presents the gospel in its final performance of “Living Christmas Tree” this weekend.
Jeff Fair, worship minister at Taylor Memorial, said the choir will sing at 3:30 p.m. Saturday and during Sunday morning worship, which begins at 10:30 a.m.
For the Living Christmas tree scaffolding in the shape of a Christmas tree that reaches to the ceiling in the church sanctuary is built and members of the choir stand on the “branches” as they sing the story of Jesus.
“Our purpose is to present the good news of Christ to the people in the congregation,” Fair said. “And this program has been unique because it has gone on for 35 years. But the members of the choir are getting older and we want to try something different. Choir members are sad, but they are also looking forward to next year’s Christmas performance.”
Fair said that at one time, the choir who took part in the Living Christmas Tree had 96 singers. This year’s choir will have 74.

“We’ll be closing the book on this particular program,” Fair said. “But next year is going to be huge. The choir will be singing under lamp posts, maybe dressed in clothes like carolers used to wear. They’ll be singing as part of a pageant. I am excited about the plans for next year.”
Of course, Fair is also excited about this year s performances and stressed that the community is invited to attend. Admission is free.