Home Local News Hobbs police receiving complaints about unlicensed solicitors

Hobbs police receiving complaints about unlicensed solicitors

5 min read

For the News-Sun

Hobbs Police have received a number of complaints regarding unlicensed solicitors operating within the city limits of Hobbs. 

Solicitors who have been granted permission to operate within the city limits of Hobbs will be issued a license good for one year from date of issue. 

City of Hobbs solicitation license holders are issued a lanyard and have a permit with the signatures of the city clerk and the chief of police. 

The license can be revoked for several reasons, including: 

• Fraud by misrepresentation 

• Conviction of a crime of moral turpitude 

• Conducting business in an unlawful manner, or in such a manner as to constitute breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety or general public welfare. 

According to Hobbs city ordinance, a solicitor is defined as a person who goes from door to door visiting single-family or multi-family dwellings and businesses, or who is on the streets and parking lots to sell any goods, wares, merchandise or services, or to accept subscriptions or orders, or to accept or request donations for any charitable purpose. 

To obtain a license for solicitation purposes, those requesting a license must furnish the following information: 

• The name, local and permanent addresses, social security number, driver’s license number, age, race, weight, height, color of hair and eyes and any other distinguishing physical characteristics of applicant. 

• The names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons or the officers, directors or registered agents for service of the organization, group, association, partnership or corporation who is the employer of or entity represented by the applicant. 

• The nature of the goods, wares, merchandise or services offered for sale or the purpose for which solicitations will be made. 

• Three one-inch by two-inch photographs of the applicant, taken within six months of the date of filing for the application, showing the head and shoulders of the applicant. 

• The fingerprints of the applicant which will be taken and kept on file at the HPD. Completion of a statement as to whether the applicant has been convicted of any crime, or violation of any municipal ordinance in the preceding five years and the nature of the offense along with the punishment or penalty assessed. 

Residents who observe unlicensed solicitors operating within the Hobbs city limits are asked to report the activity to the Lea County Communication Authority at 575-397-9265.

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