Home COVID-19 Lea remains in Turquoise Level, Chaves at Green Level

Lea remains in Turquoise Level, Chaves at Green Level

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SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health on Wednesday announced the updated statewide COVID-19 map, with 32 New Mexico counties at the Turquoise Level and one at the Green Level, at which there are fewer restrictions on commercial and day-to-day activities amid decreased virus risk.

There are no counties at the Yellow or Red Levels as of May 19. Counties may still backslide with enhancing risk upon the next biweekly map update, however, if vaccination thresholds are not reached and key health metrics indicating the spread of the virus worsen.

When 60 percent of eligible New Mexicans have been fully vaccinated, the state will graduate out of the color-coded county risk system and remove most pandemic-related restrictions on commercial activities.

New Mexicans who are fully vaccinated may as of late last week opt to set aside their facemasks in most environments, per updated CDC guidance. Unvaccinated New Mexicans are required to retain their facemasks in public spaces. Regardless of vaccination status, New Mexicans must adhere to local and commercial requirements regarding facemasks. All New Mexicans are encouraged to continue adhering to COVID-safe practices.

All individuals, including those who are fully vaccinated, should continue to wear well-fitted masks where required by localities, tribal entities, and individual businesses.

“New Mexicans should continue to get vaccinated at the very first opportunity,” said Health Secretary Tracie Collins, M.D. “Not only will it hasten the end of the worst of the pandemic, it will enhance counties’ and communities’ ability to safely begin more and more commercial and day-to-day activities without endangering public health.”

Counties that may operate at the Turquoise Level as of May 19 are: Lea, Eddy, Bernalillo, Catron, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Dona Ana, Guadalupe, Grant, Harding, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Los Alamos, Luna, McKinley, Mora, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union and Valencia.

Counties that met both of the health metric thresholds and may operate at the Green Level as of May 19 are: Chaves.

The health metrics used to determine a county’s risk level are:

  • A per-capita rate of new COVID-19 cases of no greater than 10 per 100,000 inhabitants over the most recent 14-day reporting period
  • An average positivity rate less than or equal to 7.5 percent over the most recent 14-day reporting period
  • A county with a fully vaccinated rate at or above a target (45% as of May 19) that increases 5% every other week as more vaccinations are completed

A county that meets none of the criteria upon the biweekly Department of Health map update will be at the Red Level. A county meeting one will be at the Yellow Level. A county meeting two criteria is at the Green Level. A county meeting all three criteria, or having maintained the Green Level for two consecutive biweekly map update periods, is at the Turquoise Level.

The public health order, the red-to-green framework and frequently asked questions are all available at cv.nmhealth.org/redtogreen, where New Mexicans can also view the test positivity rate and new case incidence for each county.

The categories and definitions for each risk level are available below and available at cv.nmhealth.org/redtogreen.


Counties at the Turquoise Level have three of the following or two of the following in two consecutive reporting periods: 1) a new COVID-19 average daily case incidence rate of no greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period, 2) an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results less than or equal to 7.5%, or 3) a fully vaccinated rate at or above 40%.

Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but operations must be limited to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions

Essential retail spaces: 75% of maximum capacity for indoor spaces and 100% outdoor

Food and drink establishments (if NM Safe Certified): 75% of maximum capacity for indoor dining; 75% of maximum capacity for outdoor dining

Close-contact businesses: 75% of maximum capacity; no restrictions on outdoor spaces

Large entertainment venues: 33% of maximum capacity for any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises

Recreational facilities: 50% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on the premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises

Bars and clubs: 33% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 75% of any outdoor space on premises, where applicable

**All other businesses: 75% of maximum capacity indoors; no restrictions on outdoor spaces

Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose

Places of lodging: No maximum occupancy restrictions for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 50% of maximum occupancy for all others; 15 guests maximum for vacation rentals

Mass gatherings limit: 150 persons


Counties at the Green Level have two of the following: 1) a new COVID-19 average daily case incidence rate of no greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period, 2) an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results no greater than 7.5%, or 3) a fully vaccinated rate at or above 40%.

Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but operations must be limited to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions

Essential retail spaces: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Food and drink establishments (if NM Safe Certified): 50% of maximum capacity for indoor dining; 75% of maximum capacity for outdoor dining

Close-contact businesses: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Large entertainment venues: 25% of maximum capacity for any indoor/enclosed space on premises; 50% of any outdoor space on premises

Recreational facilities: 25% of maximum capacity of any indoor/enclosed space on the premises; 50% of any outdoor space on the premises

Bars and clubs: 25% of maximum capacity of any outdoor space on premises, where applicable; indoor not permitted

**All other businesses: 50% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose

Places of lodging: 75% of maximum occupancy for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 40% of maximum occupancy for all others; 10 guests maximum for vacation rentals

Mass gatherings limit: 20 persons


Counties at the Yellow Level are those who have one of the following: 1) a new COVID-19 average daily case incidence rate of no greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period, 2) an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results no greater than 7.5%, or 3) a fully vaccinated rate at or above 40%

Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but operations must be limited to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions

Essential retail spaces: 33% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Food and drink establishments (if NM Safe Certified): 33% of maximum capacity for indoor dining; 75% of maximum capacity for outdoors dining; any establishment serving alcohol must close by 10 p.m. each night

Close-contact businesses: 33% of maximum capacity or 20 customers at one time, whichever is smaller; 33% of any outdoor space on the premises

Large entertainment venues: 25% of maximum capacity of any outdoor space on premises; indoor not permitted with the limited exception of operating up to 25% of maximum capacity for recording and broadcasting entertainment without any in-person audience

Recreational facilities: 33% of any outdoor space on the premises; indoor not permitted

Bars and clubs: May not operate

**All other businesses: 33% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose

Places of lodging: 60% of maximum occupancy for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 33% of maximum occupancy for all others; 5 guests maximum for vacation rentals

Mass gatherings limit: 10 persons


Counties at the Red Level are those with a new COVID-19 case incident rate of greater than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the most recent two-week period; an average percent of positive COVID-19 test results over the most recent 14-day period greater than 7.5%; and a fully vaccinated rate below 40%.

Essential businesses (non-retail): No capacity restrictions but must limit operations to only those absolutely necessary to carry out essential functions

Essential retail spaces: 25% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Food and drink establishments: No indoor dining permitted; 25% of maximum capacity for outdoor dining; any establishment serving alcohol must close by 9 p.m. each night

Close-contact businesses: 25% of maximum capacity or 10 customers at one time, whichever is smaller; 25% of any outdoor space on the premises

Large entertainment venues: May not operate

Recreational facilities: 25% of maximum capacity of any outdoor space on the premises; indoor not permitted

Bars and clubs: May not operate

**All other businesses: 25% of maximum capacity (indoor and outdoor)

Houses of worship: May operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors should they so choose

Places of lodging: 40% of maximum occupancy for those that have completed NM Safe Certified training; 25% of maximum occupancy for all others; 5 guests maximum for vacation rentals

Mass gatherings limit: 5 persons

Categories and definitions within the public health order:

Essential businesses (non-retail): These are any business or nonprofit entity falling within one or more of the following categories:

  • Health care operations including hospitals, walk-in-care health facilities, pharmacies, medical wholesale and distribution, home health care workers or aides for the elderly, emergency dental facilities, nursing homes, residential health care facilities, research facilities, congregate care facilities, intermediate care facilities for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities, supportive living homes, home health care providers, drug and alcohol recovery support services, and medical supplies and equipment manufacturers and providers;
  • Homeless shelters, food banks, and other services providing care to indigent or needy populations;
  • Childcare facilities;
  • Farms, ranches, and other food cultivation, processing, or packaging operations;
  • Infrastructure operations including, but not limited to, public works construction, commercial and residential construction and maintenance, self-storage facilities, airport operations, public transportation, airlines, taxis, private transportation providers, transportation network companies, water, gas, electrical, oil drilling, oil refining, natural resources extraction or mining operations, nuclear material research and enrichment, those attendant to the repair and construction of roads and highways, gas stations, solid waste collection and removal, trash and recycling collection, processing and disposal, sewer, data and internet providers, data centers, technology support operations, and telecommunications systems;
  • Manufacturing operations involved in food processing, manufacturing agents, chemicals, fertilizer, pharmaceuticals, sanitary products, household paper products, microelectronics/semiconductor, primary metals manufacturers, electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturers, and transportation equipment manufacturers;
  • Services necessary to maintain the safety and sanitation of residences or essential businesses including security services, towing services, custodial services, plumbers, electricians, and other skilled trades;
  • Veterinary and livestock services, animal shelters and facilities providing pet adoption, daycare, or boarding services;
  • Media services;
  • Utilities, including their contractors, suppliers, and supportive operations, engaged in power generation, fuel supply and transmission, water and wastewater supply;
  • Crematoriums, funeral homes and cemeteries;
  • Banks, credit unions, insurance providers, payroll services, brokerage services, and investment management firms;
  • Businesses providing mailing and shipping services
  • Laboratories and defense and national security-related operations supporting the United States government, a contractor to the United States government, or any federal entity;
  • Professional services, such as legal or accounting services, but only where necessary to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities; and
  • Logistics, and also businesses that store, transport, or deliver groceries, food, materials, goods or services directly to residences, retailers, government institutions, or essential businesses.

Essential retail spaces: These include grocery stores, supermarkets, food banks, farmers’ markets and vendors who sell food, convenience stores, and other businesses that generate more than one-third of their revenue from the sale of canned food, dry goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, pet food, animal feed or supplies, fresh meats, fish, and poultry, and any other consumable food and drink products; automobile repair facilities, bike repair facilities, and retailers who generate the majority of their revenue from the sale of automobile or bike repair products; hardware stores; laundromats; and dry cleaner services.

Food and drink establishments: These are restaurants, breweries, wineries, distillers, cafes, coffee shops, or other similar establishments that offer food or drink.

Close-contact businesses: These are barbershops, hair salons, tattoo parlors, nail salons, spas, massage therapy services, esthetician clinics and tanning salons.

Recreational facilities: These are any publicly or privately owned facility typically or actually used for recreational activities capable of bringing persons within close proximity of one another, including aquariums, amusement parks, arcades, basketball courts, baseball fields, bowling alleys, botanical gardens, family entertainment centers, football fields, go-kart courses, golf courses, ice-skating rinks, museums with interactive displays or exhibits, miniature golf courses, ski areas, soccer fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, youth programs, guided raft tours, guided balloon tours and zoos.

Bars and clubs: These are any business that typically or actually generates more than half of its revenue from the sale of alcohol for on-premises consumption — including adult entertainment venues, nightclubs, and dance clubs, regardless of the source of their revenue.

Large entertainment venues: These are as any publicly or privately owned venue typically or actually used to host large audiences for the purposes of entertainment or amusement, including racetracks, concert venues, movie theaters, performance venues, professional sports venues and theaters.

Houses of worship: These are any church, synagogue, mosque, or other gathering space where persons congregate to exercise their religious beliefs.

Places of lodging: These are hotels, motels, RV parks, and short-term vacation rentals.

Mass gatherings: These are any public gathering, private gathering, organized event, ceremony, parade, funeral, or any other grouping that brings together a specified number of individuals in a single room or connected space, confined outdoor space, or open outdoor space. “Mass gatherings” also include coordinated events in which individuals gather in vehicles. “Mass gatherings” do not include the presence of any number of individuals where those individuals regularly reside. “Mass gathering” does not include individuals who are public officials or public employees in the course and scope of their employment.

**All other businesses: These are any entities that are not identified explicitly as an “essential business,” “house of worship,” “recreational facility,” “large entertainment venue,” “food and drink establishment,” “bars or clubs” or “place of lodging”.” Examples would include non-essential retail spaces like a clothing store, a gym, a group fitness class or a personal training service, among others.

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