Home Local News Odd or even? Hobbs water restrictions begin today

Odd or even? Hobbs water restrictions begin today

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Odd or even? Hobbs water restrictions begin today

It’s May, and for Hobbs residents that means two things, school is close to ending and water restrictions are set to begin.

The later begins Tuesday, May 15 and lasts until Sept. 15. Under its conservation period, the city’s restrictions include residential and commercial water use for gardens, lawns or other outside watering or sprinkling. Such water use can be done on certain days and times. The dates for water use is determined by a property owner’s address and the calendar date.

“Such water usages may be applied from the water mains of and upon the premises of a property’s designated date and time,” the city announced last week. “A property owner’s dates to water are designated by the number of their address and the calendar date; odd numbered addresses water on odd calendar dates and even numbered addresses water on even calendar dates.”

The city states watering may occur one time per day between 4-8 a.m. or 7-11 p.m. Citizens must pick one of those time windows, but not both. No watering is allowed on the 31st day for months that have 31 days (May, July and August).

Water Conservation Period regulations include:

• No person, firm, corporation, municipal, other government facility or operation shall waste, cause, or permit any water to be wasted.

• Water wasting activities that are prohibited include:

1. Landscape watering on the incorrect day and/or during both time slots.

2. Allowing water to escape from any premises onto public property, such as alleys or streets, or upon any other person’s property.

3. Washing vehicles, structures, driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, or other impervious surface areas with an open hose.

4. Operating a misting system in unoccupied non-residential areas.

5. Operating a permanently installed irrigation system with a broken head or emitter, or with a head that is spraying more than 10 percent of the spray onto the street, parking lot, or sidewalk.

6. Failing to repair a controllable leak, including a broken sprinkler head, a leaking valve, a leaking faucet, a leaking toilet, or a leaking supply line or pipe.

Water Conservation Period was established in Chapter 13.20 of Hobbs’ municipal code during November 2014 as an “attempt to curb wasted water in the city, particularly during the hottest, driest months of the year when rainfall is at its lowest.” The city states that more than 350 million gallons of water is saved each calendar year since the adoption.

“In a desert climate, resources are limited — especially water,” said Hobbs Communications Director Meghan Mooney. “Our intent is to improve and prolong the quality of life in our community. The only way to do that is with the community’s help. This conservation during the hot and dry season goes a very long way. Every effort that the city takes is an effort to serve the community.”

Mooney also cited the Ogallala Aquifer as a reason for conservation.

The Ogallala Aquifer is a shallow water table situated under the Great Plains and underlies parts of eight states: South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. The aquifer’s depletion over time has been an ongoing concern.

Hobbs Mayor Sam Cobb discussed the importance of water conservation as well, saying that using as little water as we can, “adds sustainability” for the economics of the community and for citizens.

“If we work together and, everybody uses a little bit less, then we have a lot more available for the future,” Cobb said. “So, I think it’s important and I encourage all the citizens, all of our residents to work with us … .”

City code enforcement officers may issue fines if Water Conservation Period regulations aren’t followed. Mooney said fines are $50 for the first offense. It’s 100 for the second offense and $300 for a third or subsequent offense. She also noted citizens who need help adjusting their irrigation system for the regulations can call the city and it’ll assist with that.

Call 575-397-9216 for billing and customer service at the City of Hobbs Water Office. Call 575-397-9315 for emergency, weekend, holiday and after hours service.

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