Home Business Gypsy Cowgirl offering something new in Hobbs

Gypsy Cowgirl offering something new in Hobbs

5 min read

A Hobbsan has opened a new clothing boutique where she offers her personal style and new clothing lines on the store shelves.

Gypsy Cowgirl held its grand opening Friday and was welcomed by the Hobbs Chamber of Commerce, the Hobbs Hispano Chamber of Commerce and the New Mexico Black Chamber of Commerce with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Gypsy Cowgirl is located at 3405 N. Grimes in Suite A. The new clothing b o u – tique is open 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.

Shannon Bush, Hobbs Chamber of Commerce board chairman, welcomed Anabel Adame, Gypsy Cowgirl owner, and her new business to Hobbs. Bush presented her with a key to the city on behalf of the City of Hobbs.

“We want to welcome you and thank you for having faith in our community and opening your business here,” Bush said. “We always want to support small businesses and see them grow and prosper.”

Adame, a Hobbs native, said Gypsy Cowgirl offers Hobbs two new clothing lines, which include Liberty Black and Dear John Denim. She said she decided to open her own clothing boutique to sell the clothing styles she enjoys wearing.

“I’ve been in retail for maybe nine-plus years,” Adame said. “I always had a different kind of style — I liked wearing cowboy boots but with a lot of lace a n d leopard (print). I just thought it was maybe time to go off on my own and maybe see more or less what my style would be and transform something into something that’s like me. My business represents me, my daughter and my family.”

Gypsy Cowgirl has a rustic-country look with a touch of funk and class, which is what Adame wanted to offer Hobbsans with her new boutique.

“I wanted it to be more of a gypsy style, more funky, lacy and elegant,”

A d a m e said. “It’s been a strug- gle, but we’ve finally made it and we’re finally open to the community so it was well worth the wait.”

Adame said she hopes her new customers will enjoy the new clothing lines and the pieces she has in stock at Gypsy Cowgirl.

“My favorite pieces are my Liberty Black boots that are coming and the lace dresses and sequin mini skirts,” Adame said. “I love how it all came together.”

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